Posts Tagged ‘Coronavirus’

When the Whole Creation groans in travail . . .
O Lord, in the agony of our affliction, how shall we live? *
We long for the melons, leeks, and riches we once knew.
How shall we sing the Lord’s song in this world become alien to all?
The streets empty and silent; children and laborers sent home; *
We hide from the wrath of the virus.
Ahhhh….says the Earth: “Be still: hear God’s Voice in the silence.”
Now young and old lay dying, *
lungs gasping for life-giving breath.
Ahhhh….say the Birds: “The skies are blue, and we will sing.”
Now the seas rise up in great waves; *
orchards die from thirst, and forests burn to ash.
Ahhhh….say the Wise: “All created things have their season.”
We have plundered the earth of her riches, *
crafting idols by the might of our minds.
Ahhhh….says the Lord, “Have no other gods before me.”
The homeless, hungry, and suffering, fill our streets; *
We fear the stranger, and cast out the different.
Ahhhh…..says the Lamb, “As you do to the least of these, you do to Me.”
Violence stalks our villages, slaughtering even our children; *
rulers scorn our laws and steal the hearts of our people.
Ahhhh…..says the Lord God, “Seek the light and peace of My presence.”
Fragments of memory slip away from beloved elders, *
as historical monuments fall, giving birth to a cultural dementia.
Ahhhh….says our Master, “Do this in remembrance of Me.”
How shall we teach our unborn children of God’s holy mysteries, *
when we have forgotten the stories of faith?
Ahhhh….says the Spirit, “Baptize them, anoint them, break bread together.”
But how can we baptize, bless, anoint, and comfort, *
when we cannot touch flesh made in God’s Image?
Ahhhh….says Thomas, “Do not cling; trust my vision of the Risen Lord.”
The temples deserted, all rites suspended; *
How shall we pray? How can Mother Church survive?
Ahhhh….says Christ Jesus, “My Holy Dwelling is within your own heart.”
O Lord, in your great mercy *
lead us to the path of repentance,
and be gracious unto our sins.
O Lord, in your great mercy *
cleanse us of all our iniquities
and purify our passions.
O Lord, in your great mercy *
visit and heal our infirmities,
and transfigure our souls by Your Love.
. . . that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ our Lord.
(Romans 8: 22…38)
The Rev. Susan Creighton, Anchorite
Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Theotokos, 2020